大學簡介 Introduction


Wesleyan College, founded in 1836, was the first female college in the United States to issue Bachelor’s degrees. Its most famous alumnae are the Soong sisters. In the last 100 years, many of its graduates have become elites or leaders of different fields. It upholds the triple ideals of “elitist education”, “female education” and “internationalized education”, carrying on the knowledge-seeking spirit of the Soong sisters and aims at bringing out international female meritocracy.



特色/優勢 Features


Wesleyan College is ranked no.141 in National Liberal Arts Colleges.  



報讀安排 Admission

保送/校長推薦計劃 School Principal’s Nomination Scheme

本校畢業生將透過計劃保送入讀美國衛斯理安學院(Wesleyan College), 符合要求者可豁免部分入學條件*,及提供學費減免**。

*豁免SAT考試成績    **學費半免

Our graduates will be able to further study at Wesleyan College under the reciprocal agreement*. Qualified graduates will be exempted from certain requirements and could possibly enjoy a tuition discount**.

*SAT: not required    **50% Tuition Remission




The BEST Foreign Language University in China

‘Double First Class’ University

A History of Nurturing Diplomats


大學簡介 Introduction

北京外國語大學創建於1941年,是教育部直屬全國重點大學,也是中國高等院校中歷史悠久,教授語種最多外國語的大學,是教育部直屬、首批 “211工程”高校、“985”優勢學科創新平臺高校、一流學科建設高校。北京外國語大學畢業的校友中,先後出任駐外大使的就有400多名,出任參贊的1000多人,16名外交部長及副部長,因此贏得了“共和國外交官搖籃”的美譽。截至2016年11月30日,全校本科生就業落實率為96.12%。根據 2016 年6 月16日《中國大學畢業生薪酬排行榜》資料顯示,北外排名第 13 位。根據2016年9月28日發佈《2016年應屆生就業競爭力報告》中,北外綜合排名第37位元,語言類學校排名第 1 位

Beijing Foreign Studies University, or BFSU, is a prestigious university in China under the direct leadership of the Chinese Ministry of Education. It is one of China’s top universities listed under the Project 985 and Project 211, both comprising top universities in China. At present, BFSU is one of China’s oldest language universities teaching the biggest number of languages and offering education at different levels. Over 90 000 people have graduated from BFSU. BFSU now serves as an important education base for qualified professionals with language competence. Among BFSU alumni who work or have worked in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, are over 400 ambassadors, over 1 000 counselors and 16 (deputy) ministers of foreign affairs. BFSU is thus known as the “Cradle of Diplomats”. According to the survey in 2016, BFSU is the Top 1 language school in China, while the employment rate of the undergraduate students is 96.12%, it placed in the Top 13 for highest salaries after graduation among mainland universities as well.



特色/優勢 Features

  • 國際化商業教學與具有中國特色的商業教學相結合(中文、中國文化、中國經濟、法律、社會等)。

  • 教學實踐周:每學期組織學生到世界500強企業及中國名企參觀學習。跨國公司的實習和工作機會。

  • 多元化的學習環境:學生來自於全球60多個國家,學生們可以在日常生活和學習中培養跨文化溝通技巧。

  • 與中國學生的完美融合。留學生將有機會與中國最優秀的學生在同一班級學習,建立未來的商業人脈。

  • 免費的Homestay機會和Extended family機會,學生能夠真正體會和學習中國文化。

  • 為優秀的學生提供獎學金。

  • An internationalized curriculum coupled with Chinese studies (Chinese language, culture, economics, business, laws and social studies)

  • Immersion Week: Visits to Fortune 500 companies and top Chinese companies every semester

  • Internships and employment opportunities in multinational companies and organizations in China

  • Diversity in student composition: Students from over 60 countries are empowered to develop cross-cultural communication skills in everyday life

  • Full integration with Chinese students, providing an opportunity to network with the top Chinese students

  • Free Home-Stay opportunities and Extended Family experience: Live with local Chinese families and immerse yourself in a real Chinese community

  • Scholarship available for excellent students



報讀安排 Admission



School Principal’s Nomination Scheme



Scholarship Scheme

華語生 Chinese Students  





  • 經入息審查資助

  • 免入息審查資助


學費全免 (名額: 3個)

特設「明愛屯門馬登基金中學校長獎學金」,第一學年學生憑本校校長推薦信即可獲得獎學金10,000 RMB。

按整體成績及綜合表現獲第一年的學費 10% - 100% 的減免。

非華語生 NCS Students  
  • English-based Program
  • International Business

  • International Finance

  • International Marketing

  • Chinese Business Studies

Beijing Foreign Studies University



The Mainland University Study Subsidy Scheme provided by the government:

  • Means-tested subsidy
    Eligible students who have passed a means test will receive either a full-rate subsidy of HK$15,000 or a half-rate subsidy of HK$7,500 per student per year, depending on their needs.

  • Non-means-tested subsidy
    Eligible students would receive a flat rate subsidy of $5,000 for an academic year.


100% Tuition Remission (Quota: 3)

Caritas Tuen Mun Marden Foundation Secondary School Principal Scholarship: Can receive a scholarship of 10,000 RMB with the Principal’s recommendation letter for first-year students

Can receive 10-100% waiver of the first-year tuition according to overall grades and performance






‘Double First Class’ University

7th BEST Polytechnic University in China



大學簡介 Introduction


The South China University of Technology (SCUT) is one of the leading educational institutions in China. It is a public research-intensive university directly governed by the Chinese Ministry of Education.



特色/優勢 Features

1995年通過“211工程”部門預審,進入國家面向21世紀重點建設的大學行列;2001年進入國家高水準大學建設“985工程”行列; 2013年1月,入選《中國大學評價》的“中國一流大學”行列;2016年在“世界大學學術排名”中,整體進入300強,工科領域排名躍升至全球第 22 名。輕工技術與工程、食品科學與工程、城鄉規劃學、材料科學與工程、建築學、化學工程與技術、風景園林學等學科整體水準進入全國前十位。化學、材料學、工程學、農業科學、物理學、生物學與生物化學、電腦科學、環境科學與生態學、臨床醫學9個學科進入國際ESI全球排名前1%

In 1995, SCUT was listed in “Project 211”, a Chinese endeavor aiming to strengthen top higher learning institutions as a national priority for the 21st century. Then in 2001, SCUT was approved to be a member of “Project 985”, which at the time was the country's most significant educational project for funding world-class universities. In 2016, SCUT was ranked among the world’s top 300 universities by the Academic Ranking of World Universities, with its engineering faculty placed in the 22nd place. According to Clarivate Analytics’s Essential Science Indicators, SCUT has nine subject areas ranked within the global top 1%, including chemistry, materials science, engineering, agricultural science, physics, biology and biochemistry, computer science, environment and ecology, and clinical medicine.



報讀安排 Admission



School Principal’s Nomination Scheme



Scholarship Scheme

華語生 Chinese Students  





  • 經入息審查資助

  • 免入息審查資助
非華語生 NCS Students  
  • Introductory Programme to Science and Engineering

  • Civil Engineering

  • Material Science

  • Environment Engineering

  • Computer Science and Technology

South China University of Technology

Quota: 15


The Mainland University Study Subsidy Scheme provided by the government:

  • Means-tested subsidy
    Eligible students who have passed a means test will receive either a full-rate subsidy of HK$15,000 or a half-rate subsidy of HK$7,500 per student per year, depending on their needs.

  • Non-means-tested subsidy
    Eligible students would receive a flat rate subsidy of $5,000 for an academic year.


Scholarship: About 20,000 RMB






3rd BEST Medical University in China


大學簡介 Introduction


Southern Medical University (SMU), the former First Military Medical University, was founded in October 1951 and notarized as one of the premier medical universities in 1979. The university was renamed as Southern Medial University in 2004. At present, SMU is the only premier medical university in Guangdong Province and it has become one of the 8 prestigious universities authorized by the Ministry of Education to run the pilot 8-year medical education program.



特色/優勢 Features


In 2008, the university was included in the Guangdong provincial 211 Project, one of the key and priority colleges and universities. In recent college ratings of Chinese mainland universities, SMU has been ranked the third among the medical universities and the sixth among the universities in Guangdong Province.



報讀安排 Admission



School Principal’s Nomination Scheme



Scholarship Scheme

華語生 Chinese Students  





  • 經入息審查資助

  • 免入息審查資助
非華語生 NCS Students  
  • Introductory Programme to Medicine

  • M.B.B.S.

  • Acupuncture and Massage Therapy

  • Clinical pharmacy

  • Nursing

Southern Medical University

Quota: 15



The Mainland University Study Subsidy Scheme provided by the government:

  • Means-tested subsidy
    Eligible students who have passed a means test will receive either a full-rate subsidy of HK$15,000 or a half-rate subsidy of HK$7,500 per student per year, depending on their needs.

  • Non-means-tested subsidy
    Eligible students would receive a flat rate subsidy of $5,000 for an academic year.


Scholarship: About 20,000 RMB






3rd BESTForeign Language University in China


大學簡介 Introduction


Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (GDUFS) is a major internationalized university in South China for its globally-minded faculty/students and its research on international languages, literature, culture, trade and strategic studies. With 26 foreign languages available, the university is the only one in South China that offers the greatest number variety of foreign language programmes and its foreign language and literature as academic discipline is among the best in the nation.



特色/優勢 Features


It is one of the 19 universities worldwide qualified to provide high-end translation professionals to the United Nations and the only foreign studies-oriented university in the CAMPUS Asia program. According to a survey in 2017, the employment rate of the undergraduate students is 99.54% and it placed in the Top 3 for Language Universities in China.



報讀安排 Admission



School Principal’s Nomination Scheme



Scholarship Scheme

華語生 Chinese Students  




  • 經入息審查資助

  • 免入息審查資助
非華語生 NCS Students  
  • Introductory Programme to International Business

  • International Business

Quota: 15


The Mainland University Study Subsidy Scheme provided by the government:

  • Means-tested subsidy
    Eligible students who have passed a means test will receive either a full-rate subsidy of HK$15,000 or a half-rate subsidy of HK$7,500 per student per year, depending on their needs.

  • Non-means-tested subsidy
    Eligible students would receive a flat rate subsidy of $5,000 for an academic year.


100% Tuition Remission (Quota: 3)






大學簡介 Introduction

靜宜大學是一所位於台中市的天主教大學,女子英語專科學校起家,外語學院歷史悠久,亦是全台灣第一間化妝品科學系的大學,增設全英文授課的管理學士課程,靜宜大學著重於培養學生的國際觀,靜宜的「411 Study Abroad Program」主打4年大學學習中,有機會能出國留學1次、遊學1次,2015 – 2016年更榮獲選送學生出國研修項目教育部補助全國第一,每5名學生就有1名有留學經驗,並連續12年獲得教育部「獎勵大學教學卓越計劃」獎補助。

Providence University is a Catholic university in Taichung City, formerly as a western style language school for girls. It is the first university in Taiwan to have a department of Cosmetic Science. Its International Business Administration Program is taught in English with an emphasis on developing students’ global aspirations, its 411 Study Abroad Program gives students a chance to go abroad. In 2015-16, it received the most funding for students to study abroad from the Ministry of Education. One out of five students have experience studying abroad. It has received funding from the Program for Promoting Teaching Excellence Universities from the Ministry of Education for twelve consecutive years.


特色/優勢 Features

教學品質及學術聲望 Teaching quality & reputation

  • 連續十二年榮獲教育部「獎勵大學教學卓越計劃」獎補助
    Received funding from the Program for Promoting Teaching Excellence Universities from the Ministry of Education for twelve consecutive years

  • 教育部「學海計劃」:海外學習與實習計劃補助全國第一(2016)
    Received the most funding for overseas study and internship programs from the Ministry of Education in 2016


國際交流與合作 International cooperation

  • 全台灣唯一「國際交換學生計劃」(ISEP)會員
    The only university in Taiwan participating in the ISEP program

  • 學生到海外留學,姊妹學校多達200間
    More than 200 sister schools for overseas studies


大學成就及肯定 Accomplishments & recognitions

  • 「《1111人力銀行》雇主最滿意大學」:教育/政府/體產業上第五名(2016)
    Fifth place for the Education/Government Sector out of 1111 university ranking for the highest employer satisfaction ratings in 2016


全英文授課課程 All courses are taught in English

  • 寰宇管理學士學位學程為全英文授課
    International Business Administration Program is taught in English.

  • 與國外大學簽訂學聯學制合約,學生得以選擇攻讀「雙學士學位」或是 「學士及碩士雙學位」
    According to agreements with overseas universities, students can choose double Bachelor’s degree or Bachelor’s- Master’s double degrees



報讀安排 Admission

保送/校長推薦計劃 - 獎學金 School Principal’s Nomination Scheme - Scholarship Scheme

學生一經錄取,第一年免學費, 第二至四年按成績發放。

Full tuition waived for the first year once admitted
(2nd – 4th Year: Tuition remission % released depending on the academic results)



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