學校資訊 School INFO
創校歷史 History
The school was founded by Caritas – Hong Kong (Caritas) in September 1977, and is funded by the Marden Foundation. This school is one of the government aided schools. The educational policies and planning of our school are in accordance with the Education Ordinance, coordinated by Caritas Vocational Training & Education Service and supervised by the school supervisor and school management committee. With collaboration between parents and alumni, the school’s daily affairs and programmes are carried out by the school Principal and all teachers.
Starting from 2007, the school became one of the designated schools by Education Bureau for enrolling non-Chinese speaking students. We are striving to become a quality designated school with sustainable development, which enrolls both Chinese speaking and non-Chinese speaking students. At the same time, we aim to develop this school into a cross-cultural ‘public international school’ which adopts English as the medium of instruction.
辦學宗旨 School Mission
We are committed to implement the mission and vision of Caritas, and bring hopes to the public through the humanistic services, so that children have equal opportunities for education. Based on this student-centered policy, we provide whole-person education for students of different abilities and aptitude types so as to meet their needs for further study and career development. We wish our students to become responsible and moral civilians. Our services will help students meet the requirements of professional and tertiary education.
辦學團體 Sponsoring Body
香港明愛 (明愛) 於一九五三年七月由天主教香港教區創立。目標是為貧苦大眾提供救濟及康復服務。明愛因應戰後初期動盪的社會,向弱勢社群提供援助,解燃眉之急。自一九五三年建立服務雛型以來,明愛一直致力協助那些尋求自我發展及自力更生的巿民大眾。作為一個提供多元化社會服務的機構,明愛與時並進,發展及優化各項服務。在社會變遷和面對種種挑戰下,明愛仍然不斷追求卓越,完善服務。明愛服務範圍廣泛,主要包括社會工作、教育、醫療護理和社區服務。
明愛英文名稱 “Caritas” 意思是「基督之愛」。為了見證基督的愛,明愛堅持紮根於社會基層、並為最需要援助的貧困人士服務。非以支配、非以教誨、非以論斷,乃以服務彰顯寬容仁愛,並以恩慈關愛團結社會。
明愛賴以成立的基本信念、願景和使命,歷經考驗,源流傳遞至今,已經成為我們深感自豪的傳統。我們相信,這些傳統會繼續帶領導我們應付未來的挑戰。基督信仰的傳承、倫理道德觀及關愛精神在明愛各項工作中均 能顯現出來。
明愛的種種使命,已完全顯示在「以愛服務,締造希望」的口號之中。這句口號,可以如下詮解 ﹕
● 扶助弱勢社群
● 發展個人潛能
● 致力溝通和解
● 建立回饋精神
為了實現使命,我們致力於 :
● 向被社會忽略及需要幫助的人提供服務
● 協助每一個人在社會、經濟、身心、體能、道德和精神生活方面都達至更符合人性尊嚴的境地
● 支持及推動自力更生的計劃,使受助者能克服生活環境中的障礙
● 培育個人及團體間憂戚相關,互助互愛的精神
校訓 School Motto
Be Faithful, Diligent and Stay Simple
Love God and One Another