The BEST Foreign Language University in China
‘Double First Class’ University
A History of Nurturing Diplomats
大學簡介 Introduction
北京外國語大學創建於1941年,是教育部直屬全國重點大學,也是中國高等院校中歷史悠久,教授語種最多外國語的大學,是教育部直屬、首批 “211工程”高校、“985”優勢學科創新平臺高校、一流學科建設高校。北京外國語大學畢業的校友中,先後出任駐外大使的就有400多名,出任參贊的1000多人,16名外交部長及副部長,因此贏得了“共和國外交官搖籃”的美譽。截至2016年11月30日,全校本科生就業落實率為96.12%。根據 2016 年6 月16日《中國大學畢業生薪酬排行榜》資料顯示,北外排名第 13 位。根據2016年9月28日發佈《2016年應屆生就業競爭力報告》中,北外綜合排名第37位元,語言類學校排名第 1 位。
Beijing Foreign Studies University, or BFSU, is a prestigious university in China under the direct leadership of the Chinese Ministry of Education. It is one of China’s top universities listed under the Project 985 and Project 211, both comprising top universities in China. At present, BFSU is one of China’s oldest language universities teaching the biggest number of languages and offering education at different levels. Over 90 000 people have graduated from BFSU. BFSU now serves as an important education base for qualified professionals with language competence. Among BFSU alumni who work or have worked in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, are over 400 ambassadors, over 1 000 counselors and 16 (deputy) ministers of foreign affairs. BFSU is thus known as the “Cradle of Diplomats”. According to the survey in 2016, BFSU is the Top 1 language school in China, while the employment rate of the undergraduate students is 96.12%, it placed in the Top 13 for highest salaries after graduation among mainland universities as well.
特色/優勢 Features
- 國際化商業教學與具有中國特色的商業教學相結合(中文、中國文化、中國經濟、法律、社會等)。
- 教學實踐周:每學期組織學生到世界500強企業及中國名企參觀學習。跨國公司的實習和工作機會。
- 多元化的學習環境:學生來自於全球60多個國家,學生們可以在日常生活和學習中培養跨文化溝通技巧。
- 與中國學生的完美融合。留學生將有機會與中國最優秀的學生在同一班級學習,建立未來的商業人脈。
- 免費的Homestay機會和Extended family機會,學生能夠真正體會和學習中國文化。
- 為優秀的學生提供獎學金。
- An internationalized curriculum coupled with Chinese studies (Chinese language, culture, economics, business, laws and social studies)
- Immersion Week: Visits to Fortune 500 companies and top Chinese companies every semester
- Internships and employment opportunities in multinational companies and organizations in China
- Diversity in student composition: Students from over 60 countries are empowered to develop cross-cultural communication skills in everyday life
- Full integration with Chinese students, providing an opportunity to network with the top Chinese students
- Free Home-Stay opportunities and Extended Family experience: Live with local Chinese families and immerse yourself in a real Chinese community
- Scholarship available for excellent students
報讀安排 Admission
School Principal’s Nomination Scheme
Scholarship Scheme
華語生 Chinese Students |
- 經入息審查資助
- 免入息審查資助
學費全免 (名額: 3個)
特設「明愛屯門馬登基金中學校長獎學金」,第一學年學生憑本校校長推薦信即可獲得獎學金10,000 RMB。
按整體成績及綜合表現獲第一年的學費 10% - 100% 的減免。
非華語生 NCS Students |
- English-based Program
- International Business
- International Finance
- International Marketing
- Chinese Business Studies
Beijing Foreign Studies University
The Mainland University Study Subsidy Scheme provided by the government:
- Means-tested subsidy
Eligible students who have passed a means test will receive either a full-rate subsidy of HK$15,000 or a half-rate subsidy of HK$7,500 per student per year, depending on their needs.
- Non-means-tested subsidy
Eligible students would receive a flat rate subsidy of $5,000 for an academic year.
100% Tuition Remission (Quota: 3)
Caritas Tuen Mun Marden Foundation Secondary School Principal Scholarship: Can receive a scholarship of 10,000 RMB with the Principal’s recommendation letter for first-year students
Can receive 10-100% waiver of the first-year tuition according to overall grades and performance